I research and write unbiased, objective appraisal reports with no financial interest in the items I appraise. My professional analyses, research and value opinions are developed with strict adherence to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), established by the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation, and to the Principles of Appraisal Practice and Code of Ethics established by the American Society of Appraisers. The process of gathering facts for an estimate of fair market value or insurance retail replacement value involves research, analysis, and (when needed) consultation with experts. My specialty areas are antiques and decorative arts from throughout the world, including furniture, silver, metalware, glass, pottery, porcelain, clocks, watches, textiles, rugs, and sculptures. The personal property items appraised can range from items from antiquities through the 1950s.
Typically, the appraisals I provide clients for the purpose of fair market value are intended to be used as sales advisories or for the intended use for charitable contributions, estate taxes and estate distributions.
The appraisals I provide clients for the purpose of an estimation of insurance retail replacement value are intended to be used for insurance coverage (as a rider or floater in an insurance policy) or for the intended use of insurance reimbursement for property damaged by fire, theft, moving or other types of destruction.
Since October 2002, most of my working time has been devoted to clients who need my appraisal services for evaluating their antiques and decorative arts. The most satisfying aspect of my job is helping my clients. It is very rewarding, indeed, when my client, as is often the case, expresses satisfaction with a report that I provide.